Senin, 13 Juli 2015

Hurry with the first half of June before it is August!

June - Busy, fun, great weather - many "adventures" for me!
Here are a few photos from the first half of June.  

                   2014 06 02 Allegan County, Michigan

           American Columbo not yet in bloom.
Rattlesnake Fern (Botrychium virginianum) Seems like we saw more of these this year than ever before.

         2014 06 03 Muskegon State Park - Muskegon, Michigan
              Lost Lake

                                    Lost Lake

2014 06 05   Hofma Park and Preserve - Ottawa County, Michigan
                       Stream at Hofma
               Indian Cucumber Root (Medeola virginiana)

            2014 06 09 Lakes in Barry County, Michigan

  2014 06 11 Minnie Skwarek Nature Preserve
                  - Ottawa County

                           Pinesap (Hypopitys monotropa)

2014 06 12-14 Cabin - Manistee County, Michigan

                                  Indian Paintbrush

  Cottongrass sedge family
 Ragwort under cedars

 Manistee River

 Number 1 Road near the Hodenpyl Dam

 Maidenhair Fern

Back at the cabin while reading and relaxing on the front porch, I saw this butterfly on the door.  It seemed as interested in me, as I was in it.


 On the ride home...
2014 06 15 Ross Coastal Plain Marsh - Van Buren County, Michigan


 Wow, what a busy month so far in June!  Where will I go for the last half of June?  When will I post it?  No one knows.

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