Sleepy Catchfly (Silene antirrhina) Pink family
This native annual plant is about ½–2' tall and unbranched, except near the apex where the inflorescence occurs. A typical flower has 5 spreading petals that are notched at their tips. The leaves are opposite. Most varieties have sticky patches on the stem, which provides this species with its common name.
Here is one of the super secret areas Marie and I explore.
Horsemint was still blooming in mid August.
Swamp Milkweed
Wild Mint (Mentha arvensis) The plant can often be detected by its minty scent before it is seen. The stems are erect and square, as most mint do have a square stem.
We also found Water Horehound and Bugleweed.
Beautiful Wood Nymph, (Eudryas grata) A moth with a distinctive pattern of white, yellow and dark brown. This moth’s coloration and resting posture mimic a bird dropping. The Beautiful Wood Nymph is a moth of forests, we found them on cattail leaves.
At Bass we find Fringe-tip Closed Gentian (Gentiana andrewsii), which usually blooms in early September. We didn't find them blooming but we definitely saw the plant.
Here is a photo from 2011 of this gentian blooming.
We did find Russian Thistle, also known as tumbleweed, it is in the goosefoot family.
The water was gone here in this pond area...
We did see Frogfruit, Cardinal Flower, Monkeyflower, and we were rained on just a bit.
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