We saw so many Ladies' Tresses and Gentians this September, it was a good year for both.
Nodding Ladies' Tresses Spiranthes cernua Orchid family
It is a native perennial orchid and it grows at Bass River Recreation Area by the dozens!
Bass River Recreation Area, a 1,665-acre site in central Ottawa County, Michigan consists of open meadows, open brush land, mature hardwoods, small ponds and 300-acre Max Lake. It has approximately three miles of frontage on the Grand River. Owned by the State of Michigan.
Along the trail there were groups orchids - Nodding Ladies' Tresses orchids! Just in this one small space thirteen were blooming!
My sister, Marie, and I made several visits to Bass in September, going places that we had never been to before. One day we were out for seven hours exploring before coming back to the car. We use Bing maps to identify places we want to try to get to, which isn't always possible - due to high water or more growth than what shows up on the maps.
Map of Bass River Rec. Area
The red X marks one of our target areas.
Bass River Recreation Area
We also saw Gentian.
Bottle Gentian Gentiana andrewsii Gentian family
Bottle Gentian
We saw more of these than usual too!
I found fifteen plants of Bottle Gentian blooming in just one small space!We found evidence of recent beaver activity at Bass. Trees freshly gnawed down and runways in the reeds at the edge of the ponds.
Views from the interior of Bass River Recreation Area in Ottawa County, Michigan.
Buddy's Pond
Max Lake at Bass River Recreation Area
We saw some interesting critters.
In Barry County we found Fringed Gentian.
Fringed Gentian Gentianopsis crinita Gentian family
This native wildflower is a biennial about 1-3' tall. During the first year, it forms a low rosette of leaves, while during the second year it bolts, forming flowering stalks.
A group of Fringed Gentian in Barry County, Michigan.
So that was some of the great adventures of September 2014.
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