Minggu, 16 Agustus 2015

Bass Twice

Bass River Recreation Area
July 11 and again August 1, we like this place because it is open, has shallow wet areas, and many places to explore.  Here are some things we saw.
July 11 2011 Bass River Rec. Area as a big storm blows through.

The flowers were covered with rain.

 I came across this insect. 
 Is it a Mayfly?
This wet place is deep in the park, we have found Ladies' Tresses here before.  No Ladies' Tresses but we found an Orchid.
      Not the most beautiful orchid.
 This is Lincoln Street on our way to  Bass on August 1st.
We have come here to see what we call our gentian area.  We find the water is deep here this year and we can't go through the deepest spots or we will flood our boots.  See it's open, wet and there are lots of plants, we can plodge about here!

I find this plant and wonder if it could be the start of a Closed Gentian?  I check the field guide and sure enough it is, below is what it will look like in a couple of weeks.

Reflection in the pond of the sun peeking out from behind the clouds. 
I wandered on and found some milkweeds.
 Whorled Milkweed
(Asclepias verticillata)

Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata)

Markings from insects on a log

     We will be back here soon.

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