Kamis, 13 Agustus 2015

Parks - Bass River, Johnson, Prairie, Lemery, Tilma Nature Preserve, Gezon

2010 08 09 It was a stormy morning, and still warm and humid, so we decided to jump around to different parks having time to spend in the air conditioning as we drove.  First stop Bass River Rec. Area to check out a flowering plant that we let go last week.  Entering at the eastern entrance someone drove (illegally) down the two track to a new pond area.  It was raining and very wet but we saw a beautiful display of Cardinal Flowers, lots of Frogfruit, bunches of Monkey Flower, and the mystery plant from last week.
Bass River Recreation Area

Cardinal Flower
Frogfruit (Phyla lanceolata)
Monkey Flower
To be continued...

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