Senin, 24 Agustus 2015

Lamberton Lake Nature Preserve, Rogue River Park, Rockford - Kent County, Michigan

The end of July 2013, Marie and I started our day at Lamberton Lake Nature Preserve near Grand Rapids, Michigan.  Owned by the Land Conservancy of West Michigan. 

Then off to Rogue River Park, a Kent County park, address 6300 Belshire Avenue  Belmont, MI 49306.  Rogue River Park is a staging area for White Pine Trail State Park.

We saw Culver's Root blooming.

Groundnut  (Apios Americana)  Pea family, also called Wild Bean.
The fleshy tubers of common ground-nut, a twining vine, were an important food for Native Americans, and the plant has been researched for agricultural use as a food crop.

Rogue River in Belmont, Michigan
Swamp Milkweed

Jack-in-the-Pulpit featuring Marie's hand to show the size of this plant.

Redwhisker Clammyweed
(Polanisia dodecandra)  Caper family
This native plant is a summer annual about 1-2' tall.  Each flower is about 1/3" across, consisting of 4 white petals, 4 triangular sepals that are dull green to reddish purple, 8-12 stamens, and a reddish purple pistil.    The lower to middle leaves are trifoliate, while the upper leaves are simple; both types of leaves alternate along the stems.  Each fertilized flower is replaced by an oblong seedpod up to 2½" long that tapers at both ends.


Monkey Flower

Purple Loosestrife

Common Mullein ~7 feet tall

After several miles hiking around Rogue River Park area, we drove north to Rockford, Michigan.  We visited the Memorial Park and Rum Creek Nature Trail.

Rum Creek

Super Secret Cattail Trail
 Common Burdock

That was our day!

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